Library Database

For this project I created a library database along with a simple website that allows a user to interact with this database. It was built using ASP.Net Core, Blazor webpages, C#, and SQL server.


This project was built using Visual Studio. The website portion only consists of a list items in the database and several buttons that can be used to interact with the database. Most of the basic functions are covered by this program, including adding and removing from the database, retrieving specific or all items, and filtering items in the database.

Git Repository


The browse section of the website takes the list of all books and dvds from the database and lists them out. Each title is a button and when pressed the details of the book/dvd that was pulled from the database will be displayed.

The events page, similar to browse, takes the list of events from the database and displays them to the user.

The contact us page will save the submitted form into the database.

The staff portion is where most of the administrative interactions with the database happen. To login the user is given a prompt to enter a ID number. The ID is then simply checked to see if it exists inside the database with no added security.

From this page the user can use the 12 buttons below to freely add or remove items in the database.

Futhermore, while the user is logged in they can also edit or delete items directly throw the browse page.