Tank Royale

Tank Royale is a multiplayer arena style game where the objective is to control your tank to eliminate the opposing tanks. This project was built using Java and JavaFX.


Tank Royale is a multiplayer battle arena game where all players play on the same device. The objective of the game is to find the other players tanks and eliminate them why hitting them with a shot. The game is played top down with basic keyboard controls on a map that is selected via a start game menu. The logic of the game was written using Java and the GUI elements were handled with JavaFX.

Git Repository


After booting up the game, players can select a map and the number of rounds before the game ends.

If players open the control menu on the home screen, this screen pops up detailing all the controls needed to play.

Once a map and round count is selected the two tanks are spawned in random locations on the map some distance from eachother. The objective is to hit the opposing tank with a bullet. The bullets can also ricochet.

Once the number of rounds that was selected at the begining is played out, players are taken to this winner screen that displays the player with the most round wins. From there another game can be started.